Gwendolyn Turner
Township Clerk
21131 Garden Lane - Room 202
Ferndale, MI 48220

Tamara Sanders-Nolan
Deputy Clerk

Monica Jones-Thompson
Election Specialist

Mission Statement:

The Clerk's Office is committed to working as a team, while employing our strengths, vision and leadership skills to take our community to a level of excellence.


Election Information

Notary Public: 
The Township Clerk's Office provides Notary Public services free of charge for any Township resident or business owner during our regular office hours, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Thursday. 

Statutory Duties of the Township Clerk:

  • Maintains custody of all township records
  • Maintains the general ledger*
  • Prepares warrants for township checks*
  • Records and maintains township meeting minutes
  • Responsible for special meeting notices
  • Publishes board meeting minutes
  • Keeps voter registration file and conducts elections
  • Keeps township ordinance book
  • Prepares financial statements*
  • Delivers tax certificates to Supervisor and County Clerk by September 30*
  • Must appoint a deputy
  • Must post a surety bond

*In the Charter Township of Royal Oak, these responsibilities have been assigned to the Township's Finance Manager.




21131 Gardenlane - 2nd Floor, Grant School - Ferndale, MI 48220