Township Clerk's F.A.Q.s

Do I need a permit for a garage sale?

No you do not need a permit for a garage sale.

Where do I register to vote?

You can register in person at your County or Township Clerk's office.  You can also register to vote at any Secretary of State branch office.

Must I re-register to vote if I move?

No.  Your information would be forwarded by the State of Michigan when you change your address and the clerk from the community you are leaving will forward a cancellation in that jurisdiction. 

Where do I vote?

If your residence is located east of Wyoming, you vote at Precinct 1.

If your residence is located west of Wyoming, you vote at Precinct 2.

I am a college student, do I have to come home to vote?

Michigan law states that any first time voter who registered by mail must vote in person the first time. If you registered in person you can request an absentee ballot if you will be away at college on the election date.

How do I apply for a Township Board or Commission?

You would need to submit a letter of interest to the Township Supervisor for whichever board or commission you are seeking to participate in.  A request could be an appointment or elected position. The Supervisor will provide copies of the request to the Township Board

How can I get copies of records such as ordinances, minutes, resolutions, etc.?

The Clerk’s Office is the custodian of records in the community. For a small fee, residents can get copies of information. Freedom of Information Act forms can also be processed.  You would need to visit, call or email the Clerk’s Office.


21131 Gardenlane - 2nd Floor, Grant School - Ferndale, MI 48220